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What is the role of the Governing Body?

The governing body have responsibility for raising school standards through their three core strategic functions of:

a. Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction;

b. holding the Headteacher to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils;

c. overseeing the financial performance of the school and making sure its money well spent.

It works in close and balanced partnership with the Headteacher, who is responsible for day to day management issues. There are up to 14 governors including the head teacher, a staff governor, two parent governors, an LA governor and nine co-opted governors.

Who are the School Governors?

There are different types of governors listed on the governing body.

The Headteacher always has the choice whether to be a member of the governing body or not.

Our parent governors are elected by parents and carers of pupils registered at school.

Our local authority governor is appointed by the Local Authority (Leeds city council).

Our staff governor is a paid member of staff who has been elected by the staff.

Co-opted governors have been appointed for the skills and expertise they bring to the Governing Body.

Our Governors:

  • Chair of Governing Body: Rachel Muers
  • Vice-Chair of Governing Body: Nik Rutherford
  • Head of School: Jordan License (ex-officio)
  • Staff Governor: Jo Ward (elected)

Parent Governors:

  • Emma King (elected)
  • Nick McLoughlin (elected)

Co-opted Governors:

  • Rachel Muers (LGB appointed)
  • Lee Arnell (LGB appointed)
  • Stephen Roberts (LGB appointed)

Local Authority Governor: 

  • Nik Rutherford (LGB appointed)

Associate Member: 

  • Joe Wilson (LGB appointed)

(An Associate Member is not a Governor, but has been voted in by the other Governors to be part of meetings, due to their specific expertise and skills. As an Associate Member he doesn't have voting rights)

Governors' Register of Interests

Name Date of Appointment Term Ends/ended Business Interest Other establishments governed Relationships with staff or other members of the Governing Body
Jo Ward 1.9.22 31.8.26 Spelling Shed None None
Nik Rutherford 15.12.22 14.12.26 None None None
Lee Arnell 14.7.22 13.7.26 None None None
Jordan License 1.2.24 31.1.28 Director of Playscheme @ None None
Rachel Muers 7.10.21 6.10.25 None None None
Emma King 28.4.22 27.4.26 None None None
Nick McLoughlin 20.7.23 19.7.27 None None None
Joe Wilson 20.7.23 19.7.27 Employed by Owlcotes Multi Academy Trust (OMAT) Observer at Primrose Hill PS, Calverley Parkside PS, Armley Park PS, OMAT Trust None
Stephen Roberts 5.10.23 4.10.27 None None None
Robin Phelan 6.12.18 31.7.23 None None None
Jackie Campbell 17.2.22 31.7.23 None None None
Hayley Atkins 17.2.22 31.7.23 None None None
Stephen Davies 5.12.19 31.7.23 None None None

The full governing body meets five times a year. 

There are special committees, convened only when required:

  • Headteacher’s Performance Management/Pay Committee: Lee Arnell, Rachel Muers

Some governors also have special responsibilities:

  • Child protection / LAC governor: Emma King
  • SEND governor: Stephen Roberts
  • Attendance: Emma King
  • Complaints Governor: Rachel Muers
  • Health and Safety Governor: Rachel Muers
  • Pupil Premium Governor: Lee Arnell
  • EYFS Governor: Rachel Muers
  • Equalities Governor: Jo Ward
  • Staff Wellbeing Governor: Lee Arnell

Some of our Governors are linked to areas of the curriculum:

  • English: Rachel Muers
  • Maths: TBC
  • Wider Curriculum: Nick McLoughlin

We have a rolling programme of reviewing all the school policies. Many policies are available on this website and all policies can be viewed by contacting the school by phone or the Head of School, Mr Jordan License, by email

Record of Governor Attendance 2023-2024

Name 05/10/2023 08/03/2024 18/07/2024 01/07/2024

Rachel Muers (Chair) 

P P    

Nik Rutherford (Vice chair) 

P P    

Lee Arnell 

P P    

Emma King 

P P    

Nick McLoughlin 

P P    

Stephen Roberts 

P P    

Jo Ward 

P P    

P = Present 

Ap = Apologies given 

Ab = Absent 



How can I become a School Governor?

If you'd like to find out more about being a school governor and which schools have vacancies there are a number of ways to do so:

If you wish to contact the governors, you can speak to them directly or leave a message for any of them at the school office on (0113) 204 3120.